❤️ Click here: Yoona and lee seung gi dating

D finally managed to capture his heart, however, and she's quite the trend of the industry herself. We don't know exactly when the two started seeing each other, but we can say that they're in the beginning stages... Congratulations to the newly revealed couple, and all the best for their relationship!

This was followed by 's fantasy drama in 2010, playing a stuntman wannabe cum university student. Gosh I've been shipping them since 2009 and now not only Seunggi's but also my dream comes true. A lot of men liked SNSD Yoona because of her pleasing personality, looks and talent.

- His zodiac sign is Capricorn Seung-gi Lee has been in 4 on-screen matchups, including in Shining Inheritance 2009 , in The King 2 Hearts 2012 , in Shining Inheritance 2009 and in Guga-ui Seo 2013. I think its great that those two people are dating and we should give them our support and understanding.

Excuse me for a minute to compose myself, even fortified to withstand any dating bombshell news this one is such a nuclear explosion I still feel the ricochet. Dispatch first caught them together in October after Seung Gi came back from a concert in Japan — he picked her up and they had a date the Han River for an hour or so before he dropped her off again and she left carrying a bag containing a present he brought back for her. Since then Dispatch has reportedly snapped them on dates a few times in November as well. Seung Gi has said in interviews in the past that Yoona is his ideal type but then so have a lot of other male stars. Congrats to them both and what a way to start of 2014. XD Althought I am happy with this news, I must say that I am slightly disappointed with LSG. Dang, some comments that people post on here make me want to go on a slapping spree. Imagine if you were doing well for yourself and found a guy you really liked and someone said this sort of crap about you. Are you his mother or something that you suddenly know what is best for someone you have never even met or talked to once in your life. Oh and I say this as someone who is a very casual fan of both. What more to ask? Anyway, all the best for them both. YOONA IS A SMART GIRL,,,,,,THATS FOR SURE AMOMG GIRLS GENERATION I THINK SHE;S THE SMARTEST,,,WHY? ONLY SMART PEOPLE GET SUCCESS IN LIFE…. I love Lee Seung Gi. She seems like a nice young woman who is smart to know what she wants in life. You better confirm me! So, Yay LSG and Yoona! I support you, Fighting!! I was thinking the same! Just like Moonie and Bummie. Also the respond was very similar. They are so cute together. PMAI is a god given gift for YoonA, because she suddenly got on my really good side. I feel like I would have reacted a lot more disfavorably without it. Btw, why does everyone think YoonA is stupid? How can a girl with so much activity like singing, dancing, acting but still never get mess and has proper and decent attitude is stupid? Right there before my eyes, I spotted 3 couples on a staircase; one to the right at the bottom, one to the left in the center and another one to the right up the stairs, leaving each couple their own intimacy. That was so cute. So this comes as no surprise that even celebs get to date in the area. Im a confusion of emotions right now. Happy that SG has finally found love but unsure if I should be happy it had to be with Yoona. All the best Seung Gi-ya and may Yoona prove to be the right one for you. LSG is lucky because he gets to get the girl in his dream whom is also known as the goddess of korea. A lot of men liked SNSD Yoona because of her pleasing personality, looks and talent. On the other hand, Yoona is lucky because she gets a worthy and trustful man. This one totally came out of left field for me. Just like Miss Koala said, even the breakups are all staged. Good luck to them! Best wishes to the new couple! I am SO effin shocked. This is the most unexpected news, what a bomb — what an explosion. Dispatch is just… ah~mazing haha. The netizens have been pouring praises and gushing about them everywhere in Nate. Hope they remain loyal and in-love for a really really long time! Happy new year everyone — 2014 is out with a bang! Well, i think it is a nice match. She seems to be conservative like him in personality, no scandal or whatsoever. She refused to do twitter or instagram despite the pressure from fans. She has the respect of entertainers due to her being humble and nice. She just gets a lot of bashing for being the face of SNSD. I guess they both fit well. Its still at young stage. I hope it goes well for them. Btw, the dispatch article is cute. They never date pass 1 am and poor couple only date in a car as they live with their parents. Congratulations to the new couple…may you guys have an awesome relationship today and in the future! Happy New Year to you all!! These entertainers always seem so dam busy i wonder how they find the time to date. I bet all yoonas fanboys are all dying from jealousy towards seunggi because i remember back in strong heart days seunggi was just like other fanboy. I am happy for both of them. And regarding seunggi being smart, yoona is smart too and perseverance that leads her where she is today with her career. And you know maybe this smart guy can see through her true charm without her being too intellectual. And thats what make him fall for her. Imagine their babies guys, their babies would be beauty omg. Im not thinking too far but you know they both are so good looking! The heart has reason that reason only knows. I think its being judgmental to base love on intelligence. We do lots of stupid things when we are in love. I think its great that those two people are dating and we should give them our support and understanding. Its a New Year after all. Love, love, love, people!!!! For once, I am VERY surprised that SM even confirmed this relationship. I think GeumBum couple really open up the radar for other young couples in the K-entertainment industry to be more open and for agencies not to deny anything. Just be happy for both of them :-. Maybe they will have to wait for 8 yrs to get married?? I was really surprised as I never pegged Yoona to even date until SNSD disbands, but well, everyone needs love, eh? And Seung Gi is such a sweetie too. What a cute, cute couple. Booksmart heodang Seunggi and streetsmart quick-witted Yoona. No wonder even hard-to-please k-netizens give this couple their blessing! Last long and be happy for a long long time, you two~! OMG, it really makes me shocked. But what can I say? Congratulation for LSG and Yoona, I wish the best for your happiness.

[YoonGi Moments] Yoona Lee Seung Gi in Noona overs flower
Recording Industry Association of Korea in Korean. Another celebrity couple has emerged with the start of the new year as 'Dispatch' has released their exclusive solo just now, announcing that they've captured and Girls' Generation's enjoying several dates. Please watch over the two kindly. Its still at young stage. This is the most unexpected news, what a bomb — what an explosion. Retrieved November 14, 2012. Hopefully they keep on having a resistance relationship. How can a girl with so much activity like singing, dancing, acting but still never get mess and has proper and decent attitude is stupid. If memory serves correct, Yoona is the first SNSD member to be officially revealed as yoona and lee seung gi dating this is a big change for the note and its fans, though it should not have been unexpected. LSG is lucky because he gets to get the girl in his dream whom is also known as the goddess of korea.